Our Brand Was founded on a paris rooftop bar in 2019




  1. a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God:

The Marketing Prophet’s name was founded on the spiritual gifts given to our founder and creative director, Niqueea. Niqueea’s spiritual gifts are the gift of administration, the gift of teaching, and the gift of prophecy (no, not like telling the future).

Niqueea wanted to somehow use her spiritual gifts to fulfill a God-given desire of owning her own business to help others. She believes her gifts, experience, faith, and education makes her a prophet of marketing. 

The word prophet is also a play on the word “profit” where we as an SEO marketing agency help you increase your brand’s profit with SEO.

Our team believes the bible is the best business book to ever own. As a Christian based SEO Agency, we make thoughtful, and strategic decisions because we’ve been blessed with specific gifts that benefit others and is founded in God's word/truth.

Jesus is the greatest marketer of all time...

and we use his teachings to create valuable business strategies for your brand

A Christian based SEO marketing agency isn’t exactly common but, as a Christian founded brand, everything we do is centered around biblical and life building concepts that we apply to our business practices. 

We take scriptures and stories from the bible and transform them into applicable business strategies and within the foundation of our brand.

 1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well.” 

And we do…

To learn more about how we infuse Christianity within our business, listen to our Podcast. 

Meet our founder

So here's how my story began

Ok, I won’t take you way back but let’s rewind back to 2016. In 2016 I started pursuing my International MBA in Digital Marketing while working full time in retail management. I knew one day I’d be running my own business and I wanted all the real world experience I could get.

I hated my job…well I hated the retail part of it but I loved the management of running a brand and being our store’s marketing expert to increase our store’s conversion.

I tried to leave my job so many times and you’d think with a International MBA, it would be easy to find a good corporate job in retail marketing…but no (and so glad I didn’t)! So, I said you know what…I’m going to take some time off to travel the world…solo…and I did and this is when my story really began…

Traveling is how my SEO career began

It’s true! So when I started traveling for 2 weeks at a time (with a full time job) I started blogging my experiences. I did a lot of budget solo travel and that’s what my content revolved around. One day, one of my blog posts went viral through Google search engines and I received thousands of visitors a day coming to my travel blog. Weird thing is, I had no idea what SEO was at the time and what I did correct on that blog post to generate that traffic. But, if I could do that on accident, imagine what I can do on purpose…

So I started teaching other travel bloggers how to grow their reach, traffic and subscribers through SEO and Pinterest (because I was using that too in order to drive traffic).

Then, while traveling, I’d do freelance work for the hostels I stayed in. Offering blog content and photos to help increase their awareness through search as well. That’s when my passion hit me.

Then Jesus became the focus

During this time, I got so much closer to God. Fast forward to 2020 and I lost my job due to covid. It was honestly a blessing in disguise and the push I needed to do what I loved full time which was marketing, Christianity and traveling. So, I wondered how I could put that all together? Thus, The Marketing Prophet was born. An global digital marketing agency where I help brands increase their global visibility through search engine marketing because I want your brands to be known AROUND THE WORLD

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