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Convert Your Pinterest Video (Idea) Pins Into Sales

Over the last 2 years, Pinterest has been incorporating videos into their content mix. Before, videos, or idea pins, on Pinterest were a great way to engage with your audience since it didn’t have any links leading off the platform. With multiple updates to video content on Pinterest with product tagging and external links, the game has changed and in this post you will learn how to convert your Pinterest video pins into sales.

Pinterest management

Understanding Video Creatives On Pinterest

Our digital marketing agency has recently worked with clients in all types of industries with using videos on Pinterest to drive more sales from the platform more than ever. We’re going to be breaking down a real life client example in this post! Make sure you are conducting keyword research on Pinterest before creating content so that you understand what your target audience is searching for!

Pinterest has hopped on the bandwagon and started introducing video content on their platform back in 2021. First called video pins, then idea pins, and now just pins, this type of creative is a new way to drive awareness, traffic, and sales to your eCommerce brand. We’re breaking down 5 ways to convert your Pinterest video pins into sales!

5 Ways To Create Video Pins On Pinterest That Converts | Table of Contents

Understanding Pinterest Users and Video

Before your video content on Pinterest, or idea pins, can reach the right audience and then convert to sales, you must understand the behavior of Pinterest’s user base.

Pinterest users are selfish and they are planners. What does this mean for your content? It means your video must be focused on them, not your brand. It’s easier said then done but it’s important to grasp that when users are searching for content on Pinterest, they are in the research, or discovery, phase.

In the research phase, Pinterest users are comparing, saving pins, creating boards, and visiting different sites before they make a decision. In this phase, they want to see your product in action (lifestyle imagery) without you hard selling a product to them. 

This is where your video content comes into play. In order to capture and stop the scroll of the viewer, you must create videos that show the user the end product or desired outcome within the first few seconds and then walk them through on how to get there. This is the key and what we have seen work with previous clients. 


Ex. Hair Accessories Brand

Here’s an example below of one of our clients video pin that has generated sales. In the first 2 seconds, we show the desired outcome or result we initially know the pinner is looking for. Showing the outcome and sparking curiosity on how to get here is what is going to help the pinner continue watching the video. We’ll break down this video further as you read on.


Types of Videos + Video Dimensions

convert your Pinterest video pins into sales

Depending on your brand’s industry, it’s important to understand the 6 types of videos you can create to help convert Pinterest users into product sales. They 6 types of video pins you can create on Pinterest are:

  • Instructional (Tutorials/How-to’s)
  • Quick Tips
  • Comparisons
  • Story Telling (behind the scenes of your brand)
  • Conversational (bringing on an expert or sharing testimonials)
  • Showcase (showing your products in action)

We have played around with all of these types of video pins on Pinterest to increase brand awareness, traffic, and sales. Find 3 types of video content you think is suitable for your audience on Pinterest and create content around this. 

Video Dimensions

When it comes to video dimensions, you want to follow Pinterest’s guidelines. This is important especially because users are mostly on their phones viewing video. It’s important to have everything in frame so your brand’s message isn’t missed.

Orientation: This should be portrait for Pinterest

Aspect ratio: 9:16 (similar to IG Reels and TikTok videos)

Product Stickers & Linking

convert your Pinterest video pins into sales

When uploading your video to Pinterest, it’s important to add all of the relevant information so the Pinterest algorithm can pick it up as well as making sure it’s targeting your end consumer.

Here’s everything you need to fill out:

  • Title: Enter a keyword rich title for your Pin. 
  • Thumbnail Cover: Choose a thumbnail that will stop the scroll, we suggest showing the end result
  • Overlay text: Most pinners don’t listen to the video with sound so add overlay text and captions to show them what the video is going to be about. Not having this info could tempt them to keep scrolling.
  • Description and details: Write a keyword rich description of your Pin and share more details by adding ingredients, supplies, or notes.
  • Link: Add a landing page link to give people on Pinterest a place to learn more or shop. 
  • Board: Create a relevant board to add the pin to, preferably one that is optimized with the same keywords as the video you’re uploading.
  • Tags: You can add up to 10 tagged topics to your Pin to help people searching for similar ideas find your Pin. 

Product Stickers & Linking

On your mobile device when editing your pin, you want to use the product sticker to tag a relevant product. Ideally, you want to tag the product you’re showcasing in your video.

This is important for pinners who are ready to buy. Instead of them guessing if you sell the product you’re showing and to keep them from searching around your site for the product, tag the product from your store’s catalog. If you are a Pinterest verified merchant, you should be able to do this.

**Keep in mind, someone has to tap twice on the product sticker in order for them to land on the product page. Make sure to add a call to action above the product sticker tab to tell the user to tap the product sticker to shop. This will help to convert your Pinterest video pins into sales.


Call to Actions

convert your Pinterest video pins into sales

This is where we see eCommerce brands missing huge conversion opportunities with their video pins. It’s important to add call to actions within your video to drive the viewer to take the action you want them to take in order to convert your Pinterest video pins into sales. You cannot assume that the viewer will head over to your website or product page right away. We suggest adding at least 2 call to actions within your video by creating two call to action slides at the end of your video.

One call to action slide would be showing the product in use or just showing a product image. Use a CTA to tell users that if they are interested in learning more about the product shown in the image, have them click the product sticker tab to learn more.

The 2nd call to action is for users not ready to buy. It’s important to get an actionable engagement on your video if they don’t click off the video to your site. Which means, the next best thing is encourage people to save the video pin for later and then use the board sticker tab to encourage users to follow your board related to the topic of the video. This also helps build authority and credibility because ideally you’re leading them to a board that has other relevant and valuable content on that topic that will help them make a purchase decision in the future.


Perfecting Your Landing Page

Whether you’re adding a product sticker on your video that leads to a product page or linking to your website within the video pin description, it’s important that this page is set up to convert. Pinterest can drive the awareness and traffic to your site but your site’s pages need to do the rest of the work.

If you’re sending users to product pages or landing pages on your site that’s too crowded, low quality images, hard to navigate, etc. you will lose that traffic. Pinterest (and Google) actually can track the engagement of users on your site. If users are bouncing off too quickly without any engagement, it will signify to Pinterest that this landing page isn’t up to par, meaning that video pin you created that led users to that page is in jeopardy of not being shown to others. 

This is where you want to check out website’s analytics. How are users interacting with that page. How long are users staying on the page and what links are they clicking? Are people purchasing from this page? You can use a heat map tool of Google analytics to dive into the story of what the page is enticing users to do. 

Ready to Hire A Pinterest Manager For Your eCommerce Brand?

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Still struggling to convert your Pinterest video pins into sales?

We’d love to invite you to check out our Pinterest Marketing and Management services. Fill out the contact form below to get in touch with us today to learn how we can work together to make Pinterest work for your eCommerce brand!

Frequently Asked Questions For Video (Idea Pin) Conversion On Pinterest

Video content on Pinterest can be a powerful tool for eCommerce brands. By creating engaging and informative videos showcasing your products, you can capture the attention of potential customers and increase the likelihood of conversion.

Idea Pins are multi-page, dynamic Pins that allow you to share ideas, inspiration, and how-to content. For eCommerce, they can be used to showcase product demonstrations, tutorials, and styling tips to inspire and guide potential buyers.

Optimize video descriptions and captions with relevant keywords, product details, and a clear call-to-action. This helps users understand the value of your product and encourages them to take action.

Integrate video content strategically by creating a mix of static pins, video pins, and Idea Pins. Use videos to showcase product features, user testimonials, behind-the-scenes content, and how-to guides to provide value and build trust with your audience.

Include a clear and compelling call-to-action in your video and pin descriptions. Direct viewers to your website, product page, or a dedicated landing page where they can make a purchase or learn more about your products.

All Inquiries

For all Pinterest Management and Marketing service inquires, please fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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